Title: When You Call Out My Name Rating: R Pairing: John/Sherlock Summary: John dreams of something he can't have. Word Count: 366 Disclaimer: Don't own 'em Spoilers: For Reichenbach Thanks: Thanks to Daasgrrl for the beta!
Title: High Cost Rating: R Fandom: BBC Sherlock Summary: The high from a case comes with a price. Word Count: 394 Disclaimer: Don't own 'em Thanks: To Daasgrrl for the endless patience this required!
Title: Forgetting (Sequel to Forgotten) Rating: R Fandom: Cabin Pressure (Radio) Characters: Martin (slight UST Martin/Douglas) Summary: Martin just wants to forget. Word Count: 328 Disclaimer: Don't own 'em Thanks: To Daasgrrl for the beta!
Title: Forgotten Rating: PG-13 Fandom: Cabin Pressure (Radio) Summary: Martin is always being forgotten. Word Count: 304 Disclaimer: Don't own 'em Thanks: To Daasgrrl for the beta and Michelleann68 for the look through.